Something to bring me joy...

by Lori R.

My mom died in June 09 from cancer, and although I found it difficult to speak at her graveside service I did so anyhow. When I was done a lady came up to me to tell me a Monarch butterfly had flown around me and my mom's flowers the entire time I spoke and when I was done it flew away.

It made me feel in some strange way that maybe she was there with me that day...and many times after that day my children and I would see butterflies in our backyard daily where they had never been before. My kids often call out, "there is Nana," everytime they see a has given us something to smile about and has helped the healing especially with the children. I now find myself enjoying their company, whereas in the past I never gave them much thought. Thank you for letting me share.

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Thanks for sharing
by: Karen

I have had quite a few people (two people that I work with) tell very similar stories about loved ones who have passed away and monarch butterflies. I believe there is definitely a Spiritual connection with butterflies including the beauty of God's handiwork and the miracle of metamorphosis (egg - caterpillar - chrysalis - butterfly). Thanks for sharing your story.

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