About This Site
SBI Made It Possible

My story about this site and how it evolved.
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After sharing my hobby of raising butterflies with some family and friends, I thought it would be fun to share my photos and knowledge with others by creating a website.
Here is someone else who had the same desire...
Since I didn't know anything about setting up a website, I started to search on-line.
I searched for quite a while. The "create a website for free" deals didn't seem to allow for much creativity and didn't offer options to get traffic and monetize the website, something I eventually was interested in doing.
I finally stumbled on "Site Build It". This is what I found so appealing about SBI:
- Detailed step by step directions, starting with developing the concept, getting traffic and monetizing the website.
- Support in the form of user forums and technical support.
- Fantastic tools for research....for all parts of the process.
- No "get rich quick come-ons"....follow the process,work hard, and succeed.
- Included courses and lots of resources on things like preselling, writing content and more.
- Money back guarantee.
What I love most about Site Build It is the founder's basic philosophy. Take your passion, hobby, or knowledge about a subject and SBI will show you how to build a website for fun, for profit, and/or to help others.
I have always wanted to have a business of my own and work from home. Finally, I found a program that makes this dream possible.
The satisfaction, joy and feeling of accomplishment I have gotten from building this website, has been immense. It has been hard work and overwhelming at times, but seeing this website evolve from an idea to reality is amazing!
If you are intrigued after learning about this site, here are some
other stories
that you should check out.....or if you are just curious about Solo Build It, check out this brief video introduction by the owner of SBI.
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