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Butterfly Bulletin, Issue #005 -- Butterfly video, Butterfly garden, Butterfly umbrella
April 05, 2012

First of all, I must apologize for the VERY long time since I sent out a Butterfly Bulletin. I have had some family health issues and also have two other websites that have kept me extremely busy.

Spring has sprung very early here in the Midwest! The buds are out, magnolia’s are blooming and bulbs are popping out of the ground. It’s time to start thinking butterflies!

So here is what is new at Glorious Butterfly and in the “world of butterflies".


In This Issue:

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What's New? - Time to start seeds for your butterfly garden.

Butterfly News Monarch Migration North is early this year, but monarch numbers are down.

Everything Butterflies - Beautiful Butterfly Umbrellas!

Teacher’s Corner - New Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle video/DVD, photos and Bulletin Board Ideas.

In the Butterfly Garden - Cheap Butterfly Garden Plants.

What’s New

There is a lot that is new here at!

First of all, for those who haven’t visited the website for a while, it has a new look and I hope you enjoy it :)

Also, I have created a new Monarch Life Cycle Video/DVD complete with music and narration. This would be great for a birthday gift or just to have around the house if you are a parent or grandparent.

It’s time to start your butterfly garden seeds! I just started some tropical milkweed and zinnia seeds. The zinnia seeds only took a day to sprout! The tropical milkweed took about a week.

Butterflies in the News

The monarch numbers this Spring are down 30% in Texas. Find out why here.

Things are happening VERY early this year in the monarch world. Check out this map of the first milkweed sightings and you can also click on the first monarch sightings.

Here is a fun story about a family in Houston TX attracting monarchs to their backyard.

Everything Butterflies

Spring showers are on the way and here are some fun and beautiful butterfly umbrellas.

Teacher’s Butterfly Corner

I have many new ideas for teachers and Butterflies in the Classroom.

There is the Butterfly Life Cycle Video/DVD I mentioned above. Also I have more Classroom Bulletin Boards on Butterflies including a beautiful Life Cycle one and Living Butterfly Bulletin Board.

I have added photos of the Black Swallowtail. How about doing a comparison of life cycles of the monarch and black swallowtail?

In the Butterfly Garden

As I said, it is time to start seeds for your garden. The tropical milkweed and zinnia are especially easy and fast to start from seed.

I also have found a good source of butterfly garden plants at great prices including Butterfly Bush 1¢ Sale! and Complete Butterfly Garden Kit. This company is a little slow in mailing plants so be aware of this if you want the plants quickly.

If you know of someone who would enjoy receiving Butterfly Bulletin, share this link for the Butterfly Bulletin sign up.

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